
Here are some resources that will help you be successful in this class.



Steal Like an Artist Cover Kleon, Austin. Steal like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative. Workman Publishing, 2012.

Virtual Muse Cover Hartman, Charles O. Virtual Muse: Experiments in Computer Poetry. 1st edition, Wesleyan, 1996. (Available electronically via the library.)

Not a Book but Required

Coding Train Logo Shiffman, Daniel. Coding Train. YouTube,

A Helpful Book But It's Not Required

You might have this book already from DGST 395. Or, if you’ll be taking 395 in the future, may as well get this book now.

Exploratory Programming Cover Montfort, Nick. Exploratory Programming for the Arts and Humanities. 1st edition, The MIT Press, 2016.


All of the software and tools you’ll need for this class will be free to use. There are many of these, but in order to access them all and complete the projects, you’ll need at least the following:

  • A computer that you can bring to class every day. (Mac, Windows, Linux are all fine. A Chromebook might be tricky but we’ll try it.)
  • A GitHub account.

Tools and Tutorials

A tutorial for learning Tracery by Kate Compton

Use Cheap Bots Done Quick to making Twitter bots with Tracery

Making a Twitter Bot with Google Spreadsheets by Zach Whalen

Learn Python with interactive tutorials at

Work on Python with Jupyter Notebooks in the cloud instead of on your computer with Microsoft Azure.


I’ve started making videos for this class’s projects!